My Philosophy

There are many different programs that offer sleep consultant certifications. I chose to become Sleep Sense Certified because it was a method that proved effective with my own daughter. The Sleep Sense™ Method by Dana Obleman was created out of a strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn. There is no “one size fits all” philosophical approach to sleep support. Instead, careful attention must be paid to the unique personality of your child and the needs of your family. Sleep Sense allows for complete customization of a sleep plan that aligns with your beliefs. Partnering with parents to create a plan they are comfortable with ensures that there will be full commitment to the process. This commitment and consistency are the keys to success.
I will utilize my medical background to educate you on the science of sleep and the impact it has on health and well-being. Together we will couple this science and my training in the Sleep Sense Method with your knowledge of your child to create a sleep support plan that promotes restful sleep. As you implement this plan, I will be your support system for questions, concerns, and encouragement. Success won’t occur overnight, but with patience and perseverance it will happen! The 1-on-1 support, and unique customization is what differentiates my program from others.
A brief note about the “crying” question: Many parents that face sleep challenges have tried different approaches before seeking my help. One of the first questions tend to be if my solutions involve “crying it out”. Let’s address that here!
Crying is your child’s way of protesting change, and you can expect that making changes to their sleep habits will result in some protest. That’s why I’m always sure to tell parents that my program will most likely involve some amount of protest on the child’s part.
Please understand, I will never ask you to leave your child to cry alone, nor will I ask you to ignore their cries. The reason that the Sleep Sense™ Method is so effective is because it is a plan we create together. We will choose an approach that is comfortable for you based on what you know about your child.
My goal for you and your family is simple: to achieve bliss with a restful night’s sleep! To achieve this goal gently AND quickly, we’ll follow the “Sleep Sense” framework, which has worked for over 100,000 parents and counting. Let’s work together to add your family to the list of success stories!
If you’re struggling with your child’s sleep let me help! Call me for a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call. We will discuss your specific situation and come up with ideas for a solution.
Book your free 15-minute Discovery Call (or make an appointment), by calling +1 (703) 651-6493 or e-mail: [email protected].