My Story

I know firsthand how sleep deprivation impacts life. My first child was a “good” sleeper, but then came baby number two…and boy did things change! I spent the first year of her life trying to figure out how to get her to sleep. I read books, searched online, talked to our pediatrician, and talked to other moms; nothing worked. I had resigned myself to sleepless nights until one pivotal night. This night I was so sleep deprived and frustrated, I woke my husband because I couldn’t handle another minute of crying. The next day I researched sleep consultants and found a Sleep Sense™ Certified Consultant. After meeting with her and obtaining my individualized plan, our baby girl slept through the night within three nights. I vividly remember the relief and bliss I felt after a few nights of uninterrupted sleep. My thinking was clear, my patience restored, and I felt capable of handling the challenges of the day as a stay-at-home mother of two! What could be better than this…my daughter was happy, well rested, and more playful!

Chastity Van Pelt

A Little Background

Before becoming a mother, I had a full career. I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Michigan State University in 2003 and my Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Michigan in 2008. As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I started my career in Bone Marrow Transplant at The University of Michigan Health System; mostly working with hospitalized patients undergoing transplant. Over the next 8.5 years I expanded my experience in transplant by caring for adult and pediatric patients in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. In 2016, I moved to Richmond Virginia to join the Adult Bone Marrow Transplant team at Virginia Commonwealth University. Having the opportunity to be a part of a patient’s wellness and illness journey is a privilege, and one that I will forever be grateful to have been a part of.

In 2018, I stepped away from my nurse practitioner career to focus on my motherhood journey. Despite the challenges, it has been the most fulfilling role to date. These roles represent who I am, and I created this business to bridge my knowledge as a nurse practitioner with my experience as a mother. I want to fulfill my passion of helping others by supporting parents with the sleep challenges they may face. Together we can obtain perfect happiness and great joy by achieving restful sleep for you and your baby!