Success Stories

The Sleep Sense™ Method, created by Dana Obleman in 2003, has already helped thousands of parents just like you (and me!) teach their children healthy sleep habits. The success I experienced using this method with my daughter solidified my belief in Dana’s system and inspired me to obtain my sleep certification. I am eager to help you and your family achieve these same results.

Look at some of these Sleep Sense success stories!

Working with Chastity was amazing. Our 2 year old had no concept of sleep time. She took a nap when she wanted and bedtime was even worse with constantly waking up and screaming for no reason. Our two weeks with Chastity turned that completely around. She knows when it’s time for nap and bedtime because she’s now on a consistent routine. I was skeptical in the beginning after receiving the plan and the designated sleep times, but it turns out, what I thought would happen, didn’t. We had constant communication during the entire process that was both motivating and reassuring. The log helped keep us on track as well. If you’re tired of being tired, I highly recommend you giving this a try.

– Ashley
Mom of Zaria

My husband and I had a wonderful experience working with Chastity. There was constant and consistent communication throughout our time together. Our 6 month old was waking up 3 times a night to eat and once we started the sleep plan/routine with Chastity that quickly changed. By the 3rd night we saw a drastic difference, where we were just down to one night feed. The sleep plan also helped us get a scheduled nap routine in place for our son, which we previously didn’t have. We would just wait for him to fall asleep. We are so glad we decided to move forward with this and now we’re relieved that our son is getting the proper amount of sleep for his age. We would highly recommend Chastity if you’re having challenges with your child sleeping through the night.

– Talithia
Mom of Tristan

My family and I worked with Chastity to help our 2.5 year old re-adjust to sleeping in his own room. Her program worked miracles for our family and we’re all sleeping better thanks to Chastity! She is professional and follows up with her clients daily as promised during the program. Very easy to communicate with. Would highly recommend.

– Nikki
Mom of Gabriel

Chastity was recommended thru a friend. I couldn’t be happier with our experience and the outcome. She was very pleasant and considerate. She worked with my daughter well and provided great information backing her methods. The program worked well and we are still seeing the benefits months later. She is amazing and I would highly recommend her!!!

– Julie
Mom of Paulina

We worked with Chastity for our 3 year old who had previously been a great sleeper – but regressed – and she was awesome! He is such a better sleeper now and happier child (with happier parents)!

– Kalin
Mom of Hudson

Chastity is a reliable sleep expert in which I would 100% go back to her if my newborn goes through a regression. She is able to communicate and seems to understand sleep cycles for both babies and toddlers. I appreciate that she provides the science behind sleep and yet the emotional trauma of going through sleep training whether it is an infant or a toddler. More importantly, she is a mother and understands the important balance of not only that the child needs his/her sleep but the parents as well.

– Tanvi
Mom of Aarav

I wanted to thank you for the Sleep Sense™ program. Things have been hectic at our house (contractors all over the place doing loud work during the day), so naptime has been challenging. But we implemented some things we learned from the Sleep Sense™ program at bedtime, and what a difference!!!

We’re only on the fourth night, but already Megan has developed her own self-soothing techniques, falling asleep on her own albeit with some crying, waking only once to eat during the night and putting herself back to sleep on her own with her other nightwakings.

My husband and I are so happy to have a long stretch of sleep again! Thank you so much. We still have some work to do regarding naps, but we’ll get there. Thanks again and take care.

– Christy Murra

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

I just had my first full night of sleep in 5 1/12 months. It was the third night of implementing the program and she slept from 7:00 to 5:00 and went back down until 7:00. I am so happy I woke up crying:) Thanks again! You are a life saver

– Elyce, Kevin, and Jaidyn Battle

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your sleep programme is fantastic and truly works! Last night was our 6th night and things are going brilliantly well! I really can’t thank you enough.

Joel slept through on the 3rd night, had a bit of a blip on the 4th night, but I think it was because he had a dirty nappy and was uncomfortable but 5th and 6th nights…straight through! Thank you

– Carolyn